Cannabis Business Application


Cannabis Business Application


Cannabis business application includes areas such as:

  • Application Preparation
  • Representation to the CCC

Your first impression may be a lasting impression in the eyes of the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC). It is imperative that your application demonstrates to the CCC that you are a serious applicant who will succeed in your plan to grow with the industry. The application must be comprehensive, precise and financially viable. To date over 1500 applications were submitted to the CCC. However, only a few of these applications were completed properly and therefore the Commission rejected the submittals.

Progressive Law will ensure all the necessary steps in the application are completed before submitting your application. Having a completed application packet will streamline your application process. If necessary, Progressive Law, as your agent, will answer any questions or provide necessary information to the CCC as requested. If any issue arises, Progressive Law can determine what changes are required and make any necessary modifications to the business plan or application.